IMG_1084.JPGThis isn’t going to be one of my normal long-winded, research-laden posts. This is just a quick link to a story that I found interesting which deals in the topic of demonology and/or exorcism. Although I do not agree with the methods that the content provider used in order to record the video in the first place, it gives a basic understanding, visually, to what type of environment you could potentially see during a legitimate exorcism.

Click the link below to both read the story, and watch the video via YouTube.

Brief Exorcism Footage

Djinn SigilWithin my own research into the world of the paranormal, I began to start digging into anything I could to find out details in regards to malevolent hauntings and/or certain spirits. And at first, myself being Roman Catholic, obviously began to look inwards to my own religion for answers, but unfortunately, the topic of demonology pre-dates even my religion. So, my answer, it seemed, was to begin digging into other faith systems. I began to start studying the Hebrew religion of Judaism, and as you could imagine, that took up quite a lot of my time. Then, however, I came across something that made me take a step back, and reassess some patterns of thoughts that I had been forming.

This article is going to be a special one, because it is going to contain contributions from people who are more familiar with certain matters of faith than I am. They are not authors for the site, but simply people, both of which who choose to remain anonymous, who either have insight or personal experience in regards to this topic.

We are going to go in-depth the “demons” of the Islamic faith, the Djinn.

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Sometimes, though not commonly, you come across a story that just grips you from the second that you read it, and intrigues you long after you’ve finished it. This article is going to be one of those. This was not written for the upcoming ‘Diabolical Confusions: Volume 1’ book, but rather, due to it’s original nature of spawning from the internet, it seemed a fitting place to be drafted specifically for the website. Some fans wanted some new and unique content, and at the time of writing, I couldn’t think of a better story. It fits right in here, as it contains elements of a haunting, malevolent spirits, paranormal activity, highly religious undertones, an accursed item, and lots and lots of witness verification. As a matter of fact, this story is so damned intriguing that it is the basis for Sam Raimi’s newest horror project, “The Possession”, released in August, 2012, starring Kyra Sedgwick and Jeffrey Dean Morgan. This story has been around for a while – 2004 and earlier, actually – and even I remember coming across this listing “back in the day”. Only recently did I discover that it was the inspiration for the above-referenced movie, and here is everything I know about it. Read the rest of this entry »

I will repeat, that it is very possible that the entity/Angel most famously known as “Lucifer” has never existed. And This is where it gets interesting. Throughout history, since the dawn of time, in most monotheistic religions, there have been a very clear-cut and defined definition of “good vs. evil”. If there is an all-seeing, all-powerful loving god, there must also be an all-corrupting, ever-present omnipotent destroyer, the devil. It has been a major topic of debate amongst the faithful for quite some time now. This is how it has been for many thousands of years, and this article won’t change that. However, I did come across something very intriguing, and I am going to share it with you: the entire identity of the Angel known as “Lucifer” may, in fact, be a scholastic error. That’s right, somewhere along the lines, someone screwed up. So, let’s begin to unravel why the name “Lucifer” may very well not even be a name for the devil at all.  Read the rest of this entry »

In the beginning, God created Adam and Eve, and made them in His likeness. This is the story that everyone has heard, most likely regardless of what religion you follow. It is present in all of the Abrahamistic religions, but most people don’t know that this story goes even farther back. Most people don’t truly understand that  other cultures have this tale as well. For example, In Egypt, this is the story of Osiris and Seth. They were also brothers, both in love with their sister, which is why one killed the other. Osiris is then resurrected and creates the first city. The Sumerians put down the story of the hearders vs the farmers on clay tablets, with the hearders representing Abel, and the farmers representing Cain. In this myth, the story of the god Demuzi vs the god Inkindu started fighting over their sister, the goddess who was Anana. This story bears a striking resemblance to that of the story of Cain and Abel. In Genesis, Cain goes on to create the first city as well after he is exiled. But that is getting just a little bit ahead of myself. Let’s take a second to get reacquainted with the story. Read the rest of this entry »

What would you say if I told you that on top of having different ranks, and on top of being from different orders, there are distinctions in Hell for those who perform exceptionally well, and go above and beyond the ‘call of duty’? Well, I don’t know what you would say, but I know that I would be pretty damned apprehensive about finding out who and what those entities have done in order to earn a spot in that ‘revered’ lineup. And if you are still unsure of what I am referring to, then maybe we should delve a little bit deeper into the Order of the Fly. Read the rest of this entry »

Often times, there are some questions that people will ask me, and usually, if the answer is a simple one, I will just answer them directly. Other times, there will be situations where the answer is not so simple, and it will take a little bit more time and effort to answer. This article is not going to be a very long one, but it will be one that I designed to answer a question that I come across on a rather frequent basis. Actually, you would be utterly surprised as how frequently this question comes up. In the time over the past couple of years that I have spent researching the paranormal, as well as delving into the demonic aspect of it, I have had to answer this question, either by e-Mail, instant message, twitter, or on forums at least 30 times, so I thought that this would be a pretty good time to address this question. In particular, most recently, Kristina asked me about this question in the comments section of one of the posts here. The question I am referring to is:

Can Angels possess a human? Read the rest of this entry »

Yep. You read that title correctly. At one point in time, many people believe it was after Christ died on the crucifix but before He was resurrected and ascended into Heaven, that Jesus Christ, the son of God, waltzed right into Hell and took those there that He felt worthy with Him, and brought them right up to Heaven – right in front of Satan and his highest ranking minions.

Did that catch your attention? I hope so, because I’ve been thinking about it non-stop ever since I started reading about it over a week ago. As a matter of fact, I spent a lot of money to obtain a book which deals with the works that mention this. And unfortunately, these works are obscure. As in, they are so obscure that the Roman Catholic Church doesn’t even acknowledge them as holy works. To make that statement even better, when they were petitioned – yes, petitioned – to be brought into the fold and regarded as scripture, they were denied. This is the definition of the word apocrypha. Read the rest of this entry »

First things first, let me explain why I am bringing this up: For the past ¾ of a year, I have been researching the Islamic “demons”, also known as the djinn. Their article is almost complete and will be released very soon, however, there is one thing that has come up in some of my own research that I feel the need to bring to your attention. I warn you, there are some readers who may honestly take offense to this article, and I can completely understand that. Please read with caution, and understand that it is not my intention to offend anyone. Read the rest of this entry »

Now, I don’t normally do this, but this application tickled my fancy, and I thought it deserved a spot on DC. It’s not secret that I am a blogger, who also write for a rather popular iPhone website, so I usually have my eyes peeled for any applications that will pique my interest, and today, my two worlds collided. Paramount Studios, in celebration for the release of their new Horror/Thriller movie “The Devil Inside“, starring Fernanda Andrade and Simon Quarterman and directed by William Brent Bell has released an application to help you determine whether or not you are possessed by a diabolical spirit. Read the rest of this entry »